Wellness Working
Independent Nikken Distributor

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Better Water Means a Better Life!

Beverly Kennedy • February 23, 2023

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So What About PiMag Water

I really don’t like drinking water. As a kid, I was always offered milk. I suppose in those days, that is what you gave your kids to be sure they had their calcium for strong bones. Then we were told after a certain age you were supposed to EAT your dairy – cheese!!! In this day and age, my grandkids are offered water. It has become their beverage of choice. Milk is limited.

Humans are generally made up of 70% water (and more in the brain) but 75% of us are typically dehydrated. Many symptoms of poor health can be related to the symptoms of dehydration. We think we are sick when it may just be dehydration.

As an adult, experts recommend drinking around 2 liters of water a day to maintain good health. If I personally drink that much water, I know I can maintain a healthy weight. I still don’t like drinking water. It is a struggle. Teas, coffees, carbonated water, fizzy drinks and fruit juices
do not count; the body digests these kinds of beverages as FOOD and treats them completely differently to water. Many are high in caffeine and sugar, are acidic and dehydrating, creating the exact opposite of what is needed to maintain good health.

Back to water! Then I read when people think they are hungry, they are really thirsty. This was a game-changer! Now when I believe I am hungry, I first try drinking a glass of water. Lo and behold, I am not hungry anymore. Game-changer Indeed!

Now I was faced with what
kind of water. There is tap water, spring water, well water, distilled water, mineral water, sparkling water, bottled water, and filtered water. Then I learned about Pi water.

Tap water comes from your faucet and is free. (Nothing is ever free). I had my water tested once and discovered there was more chlorine in it than there is in a pool. Just to be clear, chlorine is bleach. I was drinking bleach water and cooking with it and giving it to my kids! (NOT HAPPY). My new dishwasher lasted a year because of my water’s ‘hard’ water makeup.  Spring water can be a great option as long as it is certified and comes in glass bottles. Most states do
not require certification. I recommend reading the labels.  I am suspicious of well water since some ground can be contaminated, especially if it is near farmland. People tell me their wells are tested, but I do not know what they are testing for.   Distilled water is wet, but has no minerals in it.  Mineral water is good but still comes in a plastic bottle. Sparkling/carbonated water is infused with carbon dioxide gas under pressure. Too much bubbly may cause bloating and gas. Don’t want THAT!  Bottled water comes in plastic! HUGE environmental problems globally. If it sits in a hot warehouse, the plastic infuses into the water.

I have researched all sorts of filters. In our society with our stressful lifestyles and our crazy diets of fast food and high carbs, we have a tendency to create a lot of acid that can eat away at our insides. This creates health problems. You want to drink water that is ALKALINE. This alkalinity helps to
balance the acidic diet and stress-induced acidity commonly experienced in our modern life.

Discovered in Japan by Dr. Akihiro Yamashita in 1964,
pi-water is molecularly more like the water inside living things. Nikken PiMag® Water or ‘Pi Water’ means ‘Living Water’ and takes its inspiration from the fresh, mineral-rich, alkaline streams of Japan, exactly like the one Dr. Yamashita discovered. PiMag water is naturally alkaline with a ph of approx. 8-9 (most bottled and some filtered waters are less than ph7 or acidic).

Our technicians at Nikken have successfully adapted filter technology to reduce contaminants
the same way that nature does — without adding chlorine or other chemicals to water. The PiMag Waterfall® works in four processes: 1) Pre-filters for sediments, 2) Filters for heavy metals, 3) Mineral stones adjust pH and 4) Magnets in the tap help improve cellular absorption.


I have embraced the Nikken PiMag Water System in all its forms – countertop Waterfall and the portable Sport Bottle. Even in the best restaurants, I cannot drink the water. I have become a water snob. I happily admit it! My hope for you is that you will join me.

Between now and March 31, 2023, with every purchase of a PiMag Waterfall you will receive a full- size Kenzen
Immunity (60 Capsules #1512 / #1368 ) With every purchase of a PiMag Waterfall, Kenko Air Purifier or any Sleep Pack (including the newest Makura Sleep Pack)  you’ll also receive a full-size complimentary Kenzen Nutrition. As a bonus, I offer a free Wellness Assessment. Connect with me any time to make an appointment.                 Wellness Is Working Here!

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